Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday morning 3/27 Olympic Lift Clinic with Matt Downing

Dead Lift Observations
- Grip, Thumb under index and middle finger
- Flat Back
- Weight on heels
- Shoulder over Bar
- Bar against shin
- Lift Big toe feel weight transfer
- push through floor

Romainian Dead Lift:
- Weight on toes
- Start from the hang
- Keep chest out
- Bend knees slightly
- Keep back flat
- push but back
- lower weight

Power Snatch:
- No squat
- Behind the neck press
- Push Press ( behind the neck)
- Power Jerk ( behind the neck)

Squat Clean:
- Learn from the hang
- Learn to wrap around bar
- Feet slightly ducked out

Review in training
- Power clean
- Hang clean
- Clean pull (dead lift and power shrug)

Recommended names to search and view video:
Lance Fry, Shane Hammand, Mikhail Koklyaev, Velichiko Cholakov

1st post - test post